Creating this song helped me to reach some light-hearted closure in the aftermath of a long, grueling 2008 presidential campaign. The exercise I assigned myself: Write a love song to Sarah Palin. In doing so I never imagined that in years to follow so many people would actually take Sarah seriously. Just don’t take this song seriously, ok? Regardless of whether you like Sarah Palin or agree with her politics, this is still great music, worthy of a listen to the very end. Plus, it may be the only song ever written in which every line is supported by a citation. I’ve preserved all the original references below for historical accuracy, although over time most of them will probably stop working and all memories of Sarah herself will fade away.

She is beautiful 1
She is wonderful (and deep) 2
Of course I wouldn’t trust her to be president
but I love her
She is feminine, She is dignified 3
Of course I wouldn’t trust her to be president
but I love her
She is ambitious, She is capable 4
Of course I wouldn’t trust her to be president
but I love her
She is genuine, She is inspiring 5
Of course I wouldn’t trust her to be governor
but I don’t live there
She is vociferous 6,7
She is incurious 8
Of course I wouldn’t trust her to be president
but I love her
She’s a socialist, She’s a superstar 9
Of course I wouldn’t trust her to be president
Of course I wouldn’t trust her to be president
but I love her
yes I love her
yes I love her
yes I love her
- Is Sarah Palin Hot?
- Pandagon: Manic Pixie Dream Governor
- The Weekly Standard: Loathing Sarah Palin
- Anderson Cooper: Sarah Palin Is “Very Ambitious, Very Capable… Capable Is A Broad Term”
- Orange County Register: O.C. voters thrilled to hear Sarah Palin live
- Think Progress: An Extreme Choice
- Sarah Palin: Is she the worst running mate in history?
- Urban Swirl: New Adjective for Sarah Palin
- Sarah Palin’s record in Alaska shows she’s a socialist superstar
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